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“A Hispanic Role Model mentor empowers a Latino student to see a bright future”

 – Max Martin                       


Being mentored is one of the most valuable and effective development opportunities for youth. Having guidance, support and encouragement from a trusted adult can provide significant benefits and opportunities for youth to develop a broad range of skill sets, setting the stage for success in facing everyday challenges, achieving academic excellence and preparing for post-secondary education and professional careers.


HCC’s Mentoring Youth for Success program offers 20 high school students the opportunity to learn from community leaders and mentors to develop confidence, enhance resilience, and obtain post-secondary and career guidance. The program seeks to reduce incidence of delinquency and dropout rates while increasing academic achievement and positive skill building among high school youth.


Mentors and mentees will meet for a weekly Saturday Academy, where they will participate in structured learning activities in small group sessions, with one adult mentor paired with two high school students. The Saturday Academy takes place every Saturday from 10am – 1pm at the (Looking for location).


Benefits of a Mentorship


For Mentees:

  • Developing a supportive relationship with a trusted mentor

  • Learning important life skills from an experienced professional

  • Learning to establish healthy relationships and lifestyle choices

  • Enhancing self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Increased desire to enrollment rates and educational            

For Mentors:

  • Personal fulfillment though their contribution of time in helping youth mature, progress, and achieve goals

  • Professional development through enhanced leadership training

  • Establishing long-lasting, impactful relationships with young people

  • Meeting, sharing experiences, and networking with other mentors/professionals


If you are interested in becoming an HISPANIC COMMUNITY COUNCIL mentor, please fill call us.


Mentors will attend an initial orientation session with the Program Coordinator and receive ongoing support and training throughout their mentorship. For further program information, contact Max Martin, Mentoring Program Coordinator:, 716-499-5622

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